• Hi!
    I'm Vaibhav

  • Frontend Developer

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About Us

Who Am I?

Hi I'm Vaibhav VyasI am a passionate developer with a diverse range of skills and interests. I specialize in front-end development, with a focus on ReactJS and NextJS. I have extensive experience in building responsive, user-friendly web applications and enjoy tackling complex coding challenges. When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing games and exploring the latest technologies and trends in the gaming world. My interest in gaming has also given me a unique perspective on user experience and interface design, which I apply in my work as a developer. In addition to my front-end skills, I also have experience in back-end development with NodeJS. This allows me to create full-stack applications and gives me a deeper understanding of how all the pieces of a web application fit together.

Overall, I am a passionate and versatile developer with a strong drive to create high-quality applications that meet the needs of users.

Graphic Design

Web Design



I am happy to tell you
that I have done 10+ projects successfully!

Hire me
What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Web Development

ReactJs | NextJs | TailwindCSS | Bootstrap | Javascript

Software Development

C++ | DSA | OOPS

Graphic Design

Figma | Photoshop


NodeJs | ExpressJs


MongoDB | JSON | Firebase

290 Cups of coffee
8 Projects
939 Fun
9 Music
My Specialty

My Skills

I'm versatile developer with a passion for front-end development using ReactJS and NextJS. I have experience in creating user-friendly, responsive web applications and a strong understanding of back-end development with NodeJS. Additionally, my interest in gaming has given me a unique perspective on user experience and interface design, which I apply in work as a developer. Am always exploring the latest technologies and trends in the gaming world and using that knowledge to improve my skills as a developer.






Clean Code



From B K Birla Institute of Engineering and Technology 2018 - 22

From Vidya Niketan Birla Public School, Pilani 2017 - 18


Work Experience

Full Stack Developer | Intern | OSFD DAO Nov 22' - Jan 23'

  • Worked as a Software Development Intern.
  • Deployed Custom Web3 platform code and creating data hooks via various APIs.
  • Converted design to live page and added functionality to it using NextJs and Tailwindcss.
  • Connected feedback using discord webhooks using NodeJs, Discord.js, and Axios.

Web Developer | Self Learning 2020' - Current

I have been learning and improving my skills in Web Development since 2020 with power of self learning. I follow learn by doing approach.

My Work

Recent Work

Weather App




Project | Website


Whatsapp Clone




Bootstrap | Website



In Progress

Recent Blog

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
May 5, 2021 | Web Development | 2

Creating React Project from scratch

What if we could make our own react project from scratch? Which takes few seconds to render? Which only contains the modules you need?

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
May 7, 2022 | Web Development | 4

Migrating To NextJS From React

Why switch? Next takes care of routing for you. Faster Rendering. Supports typescript, tailwind , APIs . Has SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Has Image Optimization.

HTML5 Bootstrap Template by colorlib.com
Jan 07, 2022 | Music | 4

My top favorites from Dawn FM

Personal Favourite songs from Weeknd's Album Dawn FM

Get in Touch
